LESU Model LESU 1/14 AOUE-MCL8 Articulated Wheel Loader-1/14 loader-PRODUCTS-Manufacturer simulation models

LESU Model LESU 1/14 AOUE-MCL8 Articulated Wheel Loader

Rclesu AOUE-MCL8 wheel loader

Product model: RD-A0015

Product Type: Hydraulic Engineering Model

Product material: aluminum alloy, stainless steel

Product process: CNC, gold welding, etching

Product assembly: There are KIT original color parts version, RTR spray version (yellow and black), 

equipped with lights that players need to equip. Group harmony group, KIT version does not include batteries and remote control,

Product configuration information reference:

Product dimensions and working radius chart:

Product actual photos:

Product details: